Tips for Effective Pest Control

22 Aug

Pests are definitely unwanted visitors inside any house. Most everybody can agree that a stream of ants swarming the house or a loose rat running rampant isn’t ideal for anybody. Considering we have food, clothes and for some, kids inside the house, these unwanted pests need to go.

When it comes to eliminating pests, there are some proven ways to fully get rid of them. Most pests stop lurking around when you are present and when the coast is clear, start prancing around your home again. Here are some tips on how you can eliminate these pests for good.

  • Ants love anything sweet. Just put some sugar or candy bits on the floor and after several minutes, a swarm of black ants will consume it. Keep these ants away from your house for good by poisoning them with Borax. Mix sugar with Borax and sprinkles these in areas where the majority of ants are seen. Just remember to keep your deadly concoction away from your family’s reach. The Borax will poison and kill these ants.
  • Borax works with cockroaches as well. Just sprinkle a few of these in the kitchen or in cabinets that are away from your cooking items. Make sure that your pets will not be able to get a hold of the poison.
  • If you have rats inside the house, you can use rat repellents to stop them from getting inside the house. Choose repellants that are safe to use and easy to handle.
  • To prevent rats from coming in the house, make sure you practice proper hygiene, especially in your kitchen area. Rats love food so keep your kitchen and other areas of the house free of left-out food.
  • To stop flies from coming inside the house, use fly-repellent spray. Every time a fly comes in, spray a repellent to kill it. If repellents do not work, use fly-rolls that will enable these flies to become stuck and trap them.
  • Mosquitoes are annoying and deadly as well. Prevent these pests from getting near you and your loved ones by eliminating the source of their production. Do not leave stagnant, dirty water at home and change your birdbath every 3 days.
  • For termite problems, professional service is the best recommendation. To prevent terminates from building up inside your house, do not place stacks of wood inside the house as this is a huge attraction for termites. A sign that there is termite infestation in your house is damaged wood. If you need to stack wood for your fireplace, ensure that they are placed apart from your other wooden furniture.
  • If you see centipedes inside the house, you can be assured that there are other insects too, since these are their staple food. They mostly only reside or go to places where lots of foods are present.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

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