Archive | July, 2014

Structural and Pest Inspections Before Selling

31 Jul

Structural and Pest Inspections Before Selling

Real estate properties need to be taken care of in order to maintain and increase their value. You’ll be at peace knowing you’ll get updates on the properties you’re selling. Since you are very familiar with your product, compromising its value will not happen.

It’s time to get to know the risks that your property may have or will come in contact with, especially those that contribute to said property’s depreciation. Some of the contributing factors include hidden damages or problems that only surfaces when the situation has greatly deteriorated.

Pre-sales building and pest inspections done in these real estate properties are effective methods to prevent such disasters. This is a common technique by sellers that sell property to ensure that what they are selling is of the best value. Competition is also tough in the real estate market.

Buyers naturally want to be sure that the property they’ll be purchasing is worth the investment. The approach that sellers need to consider is not only to determine the present problems, but also to avoid and prevent future ones.

The selling value of your real estate property depends on the maintenance of its current condition as well as aesthetic value. Fixing its problems is an essential, practical task for sellers to do rather than letting the buyers find these out themselves.

As we all know, pests may always be present, no matter the type of home. Free your real estate property to the best of your ability from those that hugely affect the home value. Some sellers even install thermal cameras to accurately point out the hidden issues their real estate property is having. It is recommended to take note of these issues as early as possible to avoid further and larger problems and to enhance your property’s selling value. Speeding through this process can be highly detrimental in the real estate business. Whether you are buying or selling, these conditions need to be carefully taken into consideration.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Things to Consider When Buying Waterfront Property

28 Jul

Things to Consider When Buying Waterfront Property

Many people dream of having a house on a waterfront property. Having a home on the lake, river, or ocean creates a peaceful ambiance that makes life a little more relaxing and in tune with nature. You can sit on your deck and enjoy your morning coffee overlooking a beautiful scene or witness the splendor of the sunset each night without having to leave the comforts of your own home.

Purchasing waterfront real estate can be one of the biggest investments you will ever make. There are several things that factor into the purchase of waterfront property, and below are a few things you should consider when pursuing that type of property:

  1. Hire a real estate agent. It will help if you hire real estate agent, preferably once experienced in residential properties overlooking water. Real estate agents can help you get the best value for your money because they have knowledge about the pros and cons of living in any given area. They are also aware of special legal procedures and permits that may be required when purchasing a waterfront property that are different from normal homes.
  2. Do your own research. Make sure that the area meets your needs. For an instance, be sure all of the basic utilities, such as gas, electric, water, and sewage, are hooked up to your home. If there are special systems that are used instead of main utilities services, you need to know how they function and if they are reliable. If you work from home, you need to be sure that there is reliable internet access.
  3. Make sure that your property is not in a flood zone. You can check city or county flood maps to make sure it is not in flood zone. If it is in a flood zone, verify what the insurance costs will be. Ask neighbors for insight, such as how often flooding occurs, when the last time was that it happened, and how high the water reached.
  4. Conduct formal inspections. Inspections are essential especially for lake homes. Make sure that the foundation of the property hasn’t given way to rot or eroding soil. Look for termite damage because homes in close proximity to water are more prone to having termites.
  5. Understand the laws. Waterfront properties are usually bound by additional laws and  permits that do not apply to normal properties.  Understand how your property line is determined, be clear on what structures you can or cannot put on the property, and find out if there are any annual filings you need to make for permits, etc.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Tips for Buying New Property

24 Jul

Tips for Buying New Property

With today’s modern developments in property, buyers and dealers have a plethora of opportunities to choose from. There are many options available in the real estate industry, but a buyer must make vital considerations before entering into such opportunities.

Consider the facilities, which must come in variety and be determined accurately. Most core commercial real estate includes studios, gymnasiums, pavilions, gymnasiums, studios, pools, avenues, fitness galleries, jogging trail, and spas. One must pick property with the best amenities; this is of course based on financial capabilities.

Also consider the value of the property’s surrounding environment. Check the worth of houses near the property you are considering, as this can aid you in establishing an estimate value of the property. It is important to think about the available factors and facilities. Researching the neighborhood will also orient you on the challenges and problems associated not only with the property, but with the surrounding area as well.

Make a timely entrance into the market. This considered to be the most important factor of buying property. The real estate market has ups and downs, such as any industry. It is recommended to buy property during a low season.  This will hugely benefit you since selling during peak season will gain you more returns. Property investments should involve wise decisions to be successful. Gather current information, such as spikes and drops in property sales volume as well as geographical property sales trends.

Do a check on the latest property loan market when planning on purchasing property. Interest rates for a home loan are great indicators for making important decisions in buying. The market has an impact on investment returns, so it is good to monitor the market.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

2014 Edmond Quilt Festival Begins July 25th

22 Jul

2014 Edmond Quilt Festival Begins July 25th

It’s quilting time! Time to bring out your fabrics, threads and needles for a fun day of quilting!

If you are a quilting enthusiast and would love to see different kinds of quilt-work, then you are in luck! This coming Friday and Saturday, the Edmond Quilt Guild will be showcasing some of their quilts to the public. The 2014 Edmond Quilt Festival is happening this week at the Gaylord University Center at Oklahoma Christian on July 25thand 26th.

Quilting is the process of sewing two or more layers of fabric together to make a thicker material. Not only does quilting showcase your creative talents, but it is also an excellent hobby.

The Quilt Festival is held every two years and sponsored by the Guild. There are more than 100 quilts on display in every show. People come from all over to witness the creativity of Edmond’s finest quilters.

Last gathering, the guild had nearly a thousand attendees for the event. This year, the guild is expecting and even larger turnout.

Join the 2014 Edmond Quilt Festival from 9am to 5pm Friday and Saturday. Admission fee is set at $7 per person. Proceeds will go to the club and also an outreach program that focuses on quilting.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Finding Real Estate Leads Effectively

21 Jul

Finding Real Estate Leads Effectively

Traditional ways of gaining leads for your real estate business may be effective, but when everyone is using those same means, you are inevitably going to lose business to your competition from time to time. Exploring new strategies is a great way to stay on the cutting edge ahead of everybody else. Being unique and first helps your business stand out and gets you noticed by customers. That, in turn, generates leads and new customers.

Here are some smart ways to generate new leads for your business:

  1. The internet places a ton of power into the hands of entrepreneurs and real estate agents. It is a great way to advertise to people and educate your customers. Creativity is the key to success in internet promotion, so explore many different mediums to grab the attention of many different kinds of people. This includes social media postings, YouTube videos, DIY blog posts, etc.
  2. Use social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Post fun and useful things that people will be interested in clicking on. That, in turn, drives traffic to your website or blog.  It is a good idea to mix light-hearted or non-business related posts into your professional posting schedule in order to keep things less formal and more relatable.
  3. Utilize the benefits of back links. Encourage people to “click here for more info” by giving them enough information to pique their curiosity, but not enough to give them everything they want to know until they visit your website.
  4. Trust is an important thing to gain in the real estate industry. Face-to-face meetings always help. Send out business cards to cold leads to get your name out to more people. Participate in events, such as trade shows. Create partnerships with local businesses that allow you to offer giveaways and other special benefits to people. You never know where or how you’ll find a new customer.
  5. Hosting a cookout or block party and inviting everyone in the area is also another great idea. Get to know everyone and have advertising materials to hand out. Being casual is a very effective way to generate leads and build people’s trust.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Avoid the Pitfalls of Real Estate Purchasing

17 Jul

Avoid the Pitfalls of Real Estate Purchasing

Buying real estate property is a huge decision to make. It is not an easy process, especially when it requires a huge sum of money.  Finances should not be utilized rashly, that is why certain pitfalls should be known and avoided before going into the business of real estate purchasing.

Pitfall #1: Going beyond the planned budget

Don’t exceed your means. This is a pitfall that any buyer should watch carefully for, since this is a huge mistake that will greatly impact your buying power. In the end, it will lead you to spending excessively more than what you normally planned.

Pitfall# 2: Immediately putting trust in Quoted Prices

Don’t immediately believe advertisements and posters. Advertisements and reality are sometimes extremely different. These quoted prices and deals may not include the costs for car parking, registration and stamp duty. These are hidden costs not included to trick potential buyers into believing a false assumption of the sale price.  When added up, these costs are formidable.

Pitfall #3: Buying disputed projects without careful consideration

Checking important documents such as land title and name in which the land is under are vital processes to consider. Make a deal with the actual owner himself. Otherwise, the real estate property may actually end up turning out to be disputed.

Pitfall #4: Purchasing illegal property

This is a huge no-no with those who plan to purchase real estate property. The reasons are pretty much self-explanatory. To ensure this, ask the developer of the real estate to show you the commencement certificate of the project. This is proof that the building process is legal.

Pitfall #5: Believing in exaggerated deals

Be wary of discount offers and packages that are too good to be true. This may turn out to be a bold-faced lie to get buyers to commit. An example of this would be a promise of including branded furniture in the package when the furniture is in reality, very low quality.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Oklahoma City, OG&E Holds Program to Create Better Neighborhoods

15 Jul

Oklahoma City, OG&E Holds Program to Create Better Neighborhoods

also benefit the existing residents. Beauty is not just the physical aesthetics of the neighborhood such as pathways or public areas, but also how each resident maintainthe looks of their property and implements sustainable features.

In Oklahoma City, beautiful neighborhoods are dreams coming true due to a new effort by local companies. The city of Oklahoma City, in partnership with the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. is holding a program that will encourage neighborhoods to exert more effort in beautifying their community. The Create Great Neighborhoods” program will be a beautification and sustainability challenge for neighborhoods with at least $1,000 in prizes at stake.

Starting this month until the month of September, participating neighborhoods must implement unique features in their community which speak of beauty and sustainability. Not only does each property and public place must look attractive, features added must help in increasing energy efficiency, lowering the bills and help in conserving resources.

OG&E will be giving a Positive Energy grant of $5,000 to three neighborhood associations that will be declared winners. Winners will win $2,500, $1,500 or $1,000 on November during the annual banquet.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Basic Feng Shui Principles for the Bedroom

14 Jul

Basic Feng Shui Principles for the Bedroom

The Chinese art of Feng Shui is believed to nourish your soul by placing it in harmony with the energies around it. The specific arrangement of things in a room heightens or decreases energies pertaining to love, success, tranquility, etc. People often consult Feng Shui experts to determine how to arrange things in their homes to increase the flow of positive energy in their lives.

Since the bedroom is the most personal and intimate of all the rooms in your house, it is a pivotal place to implement Feng Shui principles. Here are some Feng Shui ideas you might want to consider to create a relaxing and more intimate atmosphere in your bedroom:

  1. It is important that your bed is positioned properly. Don’t place your bed directly in front of the entryway into your room, as that puts it in a direct path to receive all of the active energy from the rest of your house. It is supposed to be a more tranquil environment, so you want that to be diffused. In addition, position your bed diagonal to the door in the place furthest away from the door.
  2. Avoid placing your bed in front of a window. Windows are full of Yang, or active, energy that may affect your sleep at night. If you have no option but to place your bed in this manner, cover your windows with thick, dark curtains that can be shut at night.
  3. Do not keep a computer or office station inside the bedroom. Since work energy and sleep energy are opposite types of energy, they should not be confined in the same energy, as they with both limit the other’s abilities.
  4. Remove as many electrical appliances as possible from the bedroom. This will limit the amount of harmful EMFS from entering your body, which can cause internal imbalance. The less electricity that is flowing through your room, the better.
  5. Do not decorate your room with objects capable of reflecting. This creates disruptive energy in the bedroom that harms sleep. Eliminate all mirrors if possible.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Preparing Your Condo to Sell

10 Jul

Preparing your Condo to Sell

When you’re selling a condominium unit, the process is completely different from selling a house. It actually has a more complicated series of steps. As with houses, there are no two condo complexes that are the same. Litigation for condominiums are also much greater, which is why hiring a realtor is a practical thing to do before listing your condo for sale. Before hiring a realtor, make sure that you’ve considered these aspects:

  1. Choose a real estate agent that has experience selling condos specifically and not just residential real estate. Be wary of real estate agents who do not understand the line between free hold common element ownership and condominium ownership. Also, watch out for those real estate agents who list condominiums that are under costly litigation with the builder. A real estate agent with good experience will not give you any of these hassles.
  2. Check if there are any special appraisals that are pending regarding condo fees. Have your condo board of directors impose a special appraisal on your unit and disclose this to all of your potential buyers. If the board of directors will also increase your condo fee, it is vital that the potential buyers are informed beforehand.
  3. Become aware of any prohibitions on the condo occupancy. The prohibitions may include pets, rent for students, businesses and others. If you have discovered all of the prohibitions and restrictions, tell your buyers about them with the help of your real estate agent.
  4. Make sure that you know what type of condominium you are selling. Condo townhouse complexes greatly differ in some regions. There are condo corporations that accept the responsibility of maintaining the roof, exterior doors and windows. Others only conduct maintenance on certain parts such as roof, leaving the rest to the homeowner. Most commonly, patio doors are under the responsibility of the condo corporation itself. Be sure that you and your buyer know what is being purchased so as to avoid unnecessary complication.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

Oklahoma Department of Health Encourages Parents to Obtain Students’ Birth Certificates

8 Jul

Oklahoma Department of Health Encourages Parents to Obtain Students’ Birth Certificates

enrollment, parents must secure their childs birth certificate for schools records. Unfortunately, this process is also time-consuming especially since there are many people trying to obtain their own birth certificates.

To avoid delays, the Oklahoma Department of Health is encouraging parents to obtain their childrens birth certificates at the earliest possible time. This is to ensure that parents will no longer suffer the long queues involved in securing the birth certificates come August.

August is enrollment month for schools in the state and during these times, many people will try to prepare requirements for school on a last-minute basis. If parents prepare early and obtain their childrens papers before the required submission day, not only will it help them accelerate their processing but it will also reduce the lengthy wait time when enrollment weeks arrive.

Parents who wish to obtain birth certificates early can contact facilities located in Oklahoma City, Tulsa or McAlester. They must provide personal details, like their childrens full name, date and place of birth as well as the full names of the parents and government-issued photo I.D. One certified copy of a birth certificate, including processing, costs $15.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent