The Importance of Installing Fireplace Screens

9 Dec

The Importance of Installing Fireplace Screens

A lot of homeowners are not aware of the responsibility that comes along with having a fireplace. Just like with anything else in a house, they require some work and maintenance, but if they are handled and maintained properly, problems almost never arise. One of the things you should do to ensure the safety of you and your family is to always make sure that your fireplace accessories, including the screens, are always in good condition.

Fireplace screens are not just beautiful accessories. They also serve as spark shields for wood-burning fireplaces and protect the floor from rolling burnt logs. Since most screens are made from metal, such as brass, iron, or steel, they are sturdy enough to stop burning wood from extending beyond the fireplace and act as a barrier between the intense heat of the fire and anyone or anything around it. It is very important to have a fireplace screen installed, especially if you have small children and pets that could come into contact with the extremely hot fire.

Always consider the size of the space around the heating area when selecting fireplace screens. The screen should be approximately 12 inches away from the heat source and the height of the screen should be about 5 inches taller than the fireplace. Choose screens that do not easily bend or move. Because they are exposed to extreme heat, some types of screens may lose their stability, so it is very important that you choose strong, sturdy materials.

The fireplace itself should be maintained, and it is important to inspect and clean it at least once a year. Cleaning can help minimize fire hazards and ensure that the smoke is properly vented outside the house. Remove logs when the fireplace is not in use. Clean up the ashes and the fire pit to guarantee the functionality of the fireplace.

Jennifer Fields
Oklahoma City & Edmond Real Estate Agent

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